We suggested creating a series of interative web graphics that provide a guided tour of the machines.
The tours would show the anatomy of the equipment – allowing people to get under its skin, and see how it works.
In this way, the machine would be demystified. Potential customers have a digital hands-on chance to become more familiar with a piece of kit they may well not have used before.
The first interative web graphic we created was called Anatomy of a Mini Crane. Visitors can click on different points of an image, to get inside information about what they’re seeing.
A second in the series, called Anatomy of a Glazing Robot, included an additional information section, giving even more detailed information, to support hire decisions.
Feedback has been positive. Customers say they like the graphics, and are finding out things they didn’t know before.
If you want to educate and impress your customers with interactive web graphics, please get in touch.
Contact matm to find out a little more – email [email protected] or call 01952 883526.