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How to optimise web user experience to get more visitors

Posted in Web

From May 2021, Google is updating its algorithm to include Core Web Vitals which use user experience as a ranking signal for websites. We explain what this update means and what you can do to improve your website. 

Other Matters

Posted in Brand

Your Brand MattersThe idea of the brand is central to marketing, That is why many of our clients ask us to work with them to get their branding right.Most of us use the term ‘brand’ in everyday conversation.But it can be misdefined. Many companies also find it difficult to pin down the nuts and bolts of their own brands

Star Platforms - Corporate Identity

Posted in Brand

Star Platforms is an exciting new powered access company that wanted to make a bold entrance to the plant hire world.The company, based in Hertfordshire, wanted a strong, instantly-recognisable brand to help them establish their profile in a highly competitive market.Star Platforms’ management team turned to matm, which has a great deal of experience in the plant hire market, to create its brand identity.

Web browser update: the march of mobile searching continues

Posted in Web

As the year draws to a close, we thought we'd revisit our regular web browser stats infographic and see how the battle of the browsers is doing.

Google creates a separate mobile index – what does it mean for you?

Posted in Web

Google webmaster and trends analyst Gary Illyes has said Google is going to split its search index in two. In future, it will have a rapidly updated mobile index and a less frequently updated desktop one.This could have potentially big implications for your website, if it isn’t optimised for mobile searches.

6 marketing communications lessons from Rio

Posted in PR

The GB Olympics 2016 team returned from Rio to the UK today - welcomed with the enthusiasm of Caeser

Coldplay @ Glastonbury - the content marketing concert

Posted in News

In the world of music and performance, Coldplay appearing at Glastonbury is a big deal. But with clever use of digital marketing, it can become a global phenomenon.

Leicester City - the power of storytelling

Posted in PR

The strong possibility that Leicester City will win the English Premier League title is one of the biggest stories in world sport.Around the globe, journalists and sports fans are marvelling at the team's achievements.The furore around their success is also a lesson in the power of storytelling - and how people and organisations can gain much more recognition if they can tell stories about their achievments.

4 reasons why some CEOs communicate like 16-year-olds

Posted in PR

My son has put himself forward to be a senior school prefect. It impressed me greatly. When I was

PDF newsletters hit the mark

Posted in PR

Building relationships with customers is essential in business, and devices for doing that include eshots, or PDF newsletters.Winning a new customer can take a good deal of energy, so it stands to reason that you'd want the customer to like you, understand fully what services you can offer, and to recommend you to their contacts.

Posters that are out of this world

Posted in Design

We're loving these great posters. As a British astronaut hurtles around the Earth at a speed of

How to remove IMAP emails from an email server and save them in a local folder

Posted in News

Managing storage space is one of the biggest bugbears for people with Outlook email accounts. If you

How to remove POP3 account emails from a server

Posted in News

 Managing storage space is one of the biggest bugbears for people with Outlook email accounts.