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PDF newsletters hit the mark

Posted in PR

Building relationships with customers is essential in business, and devices for doing that include eshots, or PDF newsletters.Winning a new customer can take a good deal of energy, so it stands to reason that you'd want the customer to like you, understand fully what services you can offer, and to recommend you to their contacts.

Posters that are out of this world

Posted in Design

We're loving these great posters. As a British astronaut hurtles around the Earth at a speed of

How to remove IMAP emails from an email server and save them in a local folder

Posted in News

Managing storage space is one of the biggest bugbears for people with Outlook email accounts. If you

How to remove POP3 account emails from a server

Posted in News

 Managing storage space is one of the biggest bugbears for people with Outlook email accounts.

How to drive customer interest with infographic design

Posted in Web

Would you believe it? Owners of Audis are most likely to wash their cars, while owners of Mercedes

Christmas TV Adverts hit our screens

Posted in Brand

Yes, it’s that time of year again. As the embers are being extinguished on the bonfires, some of the UK’s largest retailers begin the roll out of their Christmas TV adverts. The anticipation of these festive adverts now fill our news programs and newspapers at this time, partly as a nod to huge sums of money invested. Retailers plunge seven figure values in the making of their mini masterpieces and purchase airtime of between 4 to 8 times that value.

Great minds - creative photography from Shropshire to Paris

Posted in PR

So the saying goes, great minds think alike: the Daily Mail has published images created by the

8 reasons why election strategies have been dominated by fear

Posted in PR

The 2015 British election campaign, which is about to come to a end, has seen politicians facing a

Mobile Friendly - What Google's new Algorithm means for you?

Posted in News

It's coming ... 21 April 2015 to be precise. Google's highly-anticipated new algorithm will begin rolling out on that date.Over recent years, website owners and web developers have learnt to take notice when Google makes algorithm changes. Panda (2011) reportedly affected the rankings of almost 12 percent of all search rankings whilst Penguin (2012) affected around 3%, according to Google's own figures.

Browser popularity - Chrome just keeps on coming

Posted in News

Here’s our UK browser popularity (February 2015) infographic all shiny and updated.It shows Chrome

T'is the season for promo items

Posted in News

When national hire company Hird needed promo and giveaway items for their forthcoming exhibition

7 things you should expect from good business copywriters

Posted in PR

Successful businesses employ professional copywriters, as in-house staff, as consultants, or as a service provided by marketing agencies.They know that, in this highly competitive, fast-moving, digital world, it is vital that they get their message across quickly, clearly and in a compelling way.

5 reasons why stock photography may NOT be a good idea

Posted in PR

In an earlier post, I was extolling the virtues of using stock photographs in your marketing

We're loving that - Dolby Atmos F1 film

Posted in Team Matm

Peter Clausen Film & TV is an independent film production company and creative agency.Neil, one of our designers, spotted one of their videos demonstrating the amazing Dolby Atmos three dimensional sound arrangement, which hit the headlines with the Transformers: Age of Extinction announcement.

Home Sweet Home

Posted in Design

It had been over a month since we'd moved into to our shiny new offices in Telford Town Centre. With